NOSTALGIA WINS: “Full House” Sequel Series In Development

When Full House was canceled in 1994, it was still getting 11 million viewers an episode. Today, those numbers are the envy of many existing shows. So now, given the buzz surrounding a spinoff of "Boy Meets World," the cast of Full House may be filling up the house again.

full house cast

When Full House was canceled in 1994, it was still getting 11 million viewers an episode. Today, those numbers are the envy of many existing shows. So now, given the buzz surrounding a spinoff of “Boy Meets World,” the cast of “Full House” may be filling up the house again.

Series creator Jeff Franklin was talking to the Newport Gazette when he revealed that he was working on a sequel to the show: “I was asked by ABC and [Warner Bros.] to write a new show for the Full House characters… Everyone I’ve spoken with were very open to the idea.”


Right now the idea is centered on D.J. and Stephanie Tanner but the concept would also bring in the rest of the gang, Danny, Joey, Jesse and Rebecca.

But – the big question is – could they rotate each of the Olsen twins in for each other like they did when they were little? That would be hilarious. I hope they’re clever with that angle.

Today, Full House still airs in 11 countries.

Photo found via WorldOfWonder

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  • please make a sequel would be neat to see how the kids raised their familys etc…I loved full house and still watch the reruns. I would watch the would be so awesome.

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