Tom Cruise Signs on For MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 5!

Agent Ethan Hunt is back!

mission-impossible-ghost-protocol-movie-still10aAgent Ethan Hunt is back!

Deadline is reporting that Tom Cruise, who has been on a massive run of action films as of late, has officially signed on to reprise his role as Agent Ethan Hunt in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 5.  According to the site,

“Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions have set Tom Cruise in a deal to star in and produce a fifth installment in the Mission: Impossible franchise. Both Paramount and Skydance have confirmed this, but they are not saying who’s writing and directing, or when they are targeting release.”

And why wouldn’t Cruise return?  The last entry in the series, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL, not only was the highest rated of the series (sitting at a whopping 93% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes), but also became the highest grossing film of Cruise’s career, taking in over $700 Million worldwide!

No word on who would direct the film as of yet, although it has long been speculated that Christopher McQuarrie would take over the reigns from Brad Bird.  Development will be underway soon with Cruise and JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot, and if the quality keeps growing, I’ll welcome the sequel with open arms.




BOX OFFICE REPORT: Weekend Ending June 17, 2012. (Or The Weekend Tom Cruise Got Clobbered By A Cartoon.)

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