O.M.GLEEK: Former ‘Glee’ Star, Noah Guthrie, Crushes Audition On ‘America’s Got Talent’

Here’s what you missed on Glee:

In the sixth season of the hit musical show fans were introduced to the bashful, yet soulful, singer Roderick, who couldn’t fathom singing without his headphones. With a little help from his new mentors Rachel (Lea Michele!!!) and Kurt (Chris Colfer) , he overcame his fear and gave many a memorable performance including renditions of  “Father Figure” and “Take Me To Church.”

Here in the non-musical, non-star studded, boring real world, Noah Guthrie has been pursuing his dreams of being a musical superstar for years. His career began as a YouTube artist, which quickly gained him enough momentum to land a role on the hit Fox show, Glee. Sadly (I would say devastatingly), the show wrapped up at the end of it’s sixth season, which was the same season Guthrie was brought on for. The South Carolina native has spent the years since going back to his YouTube roots, gaining more and more popularity. The singer decided it was time to take his music back to the national platform, and auditioned for America’s Got Talent this week. Even though I am biased because I will live and die a “Gleek,” I think it is safe to say that Guthrie nailed his rendition of Rihanna’s “Love On The Brain.” As he performs you can hear host, Tyra Banks, proclaim “that is talent!” Amen sister. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of the former Glee star in the future. While you are taking a look and listen at Guthrie’s audition below, I will be writing my six hundred and third appeal to Fox begging them to reboot Glee….Enjoy!

America’s Got Talent airs on Tuesday’s at 8pm EST on NBC.



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