VIRAL: This Hat Lets You Sleep Peacefully During Your Morning Commute

What’s a New Yorker worst commuting nightmare? Spitting pan handlers. But second to that, is sleeping through your stop and ending up on the other side of town!

How many groggy mornings have you spent sitting on the train, pinching yourself just to keep awake so you would’t miss your stop? Maybe it’s that post-work exhaustion that has you snoozing your way 8 stops passed home. Well Twitter has found a commuting game changer in the form of a hat. That’s right, Twitter user @DamianPalace posted a video of a napping subway rider with an electronic baseball cap that scrolled to read “Wake Me Up Before I Go Go…Past 34th Street…” Sure, the system isn’t perfect as you have to rely on the kindness of strangers but if there is a place where people aren’t shy to yell at you, it’s New York City.


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