In Love And In Quarantine? Dr. Oz Says To Have Sex!

A spoonful of sugar isn’t the only thing that will help the medicine go down…

Talk show host and medical expert Dr. Mehmet Oz is encouraging couples who have been quarantined together to do the horizontal mambo to kill some time. While this might sound contrary to many of the reports out there, I think you’ll be hard pressed to find someone willing to neglect these doctor’s orders. Talking to TMZ Dr. Oz said

“The best solution if you’re holed up with your significant other, quarantined, is have sex. You’ll live longer, get rid of the tension. Maybe you’ll make some babies. It’s certainly better staring at each other than getting on each other’s nerves.”

While many medical experts are advising everyone to stay home and away from others, the logic behind Dr. Oz’s statements seems to be that if we are trapped in the house we might as well make the best of it. Depression can easily develop or worsen during these isolated times so a boost of endorphins might help the days seem a little brighter. Dr. Oz is also clear to recommend sex with your significant other because now is not the best time to swipe right for a new, germ-riddled romance. Social distancing is a thing people!

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