New Game Inspired By ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Makes You Take Care Of Six Adult Tamagotchis

Is this post really about those stupid Tamagotchis? Actually it is.

Alexis Rose seemed to proudly recount a terrible misadventure at least once an episode on the beloved sitcom, Schitt’s Creek. Whether it was a blind date turned kidnapping, visiting boyfriends in rehab or escaping the Yakuza, Alexis always managed to use her wits to overcome crisis. None of that mattered to David though, who was wary of entrusting Alexis with looking after his store because of one particularly devastating misadventure. “Is this about those stupid Tamagotchis?” Alexis asks David in a season 5 episode. “You left me with six of them, David. Taking care of that many is like a full-time job!” A full-time job Alexis wasn’t prepared for, however, as all six of the virtual pets died. To be fair, those little 8-bit critters were more needy than any living creature on this planet…I took the battery out of mine after four days. Parenting is hard.

Well if you think you can handle taking care of six Tamagotchis better than Alexis did, now’s your chance! Niantic Inc. game designer, Joe Magdalena, created a computer game called “Turbogatchi.” The rules of the game are simple enough, “Your brother David has left you, Alexis, in charge of his 6 ADULT virtual pets that are in PERFECT HEALTH! How long can you keep them all alive and happy? After they’re all dead (they WILL die) you’ll get a score for how long they all stayed alive for. Be sure to share and brag about your highest score!” Full disclosure, this is harder than it seems! All these things do are eat and poop…ew, David.

To begin your parenting misadventure, click here!

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