These trolls are about to catch some hands.
It’s ironic that a platform with endless amounts of information just so happens to house some of the most ignorant people on this planet. Whether you call them trolls or haters or just flat out dummies, I think we can all agree that once in awhile you have to stand up to the stupidity hiding behind some of these keyboards. Well, model and TV star Nyle DiMarco has been using his TikTok videos to brilliantly educate some trolls in desperate need of some learnin’.
There’s no denying the fact that DiMarco is BEAUTIFUL. He’s got the steely hazel eyes, the chiseled body and a set of beautiful eyebrows that are so thick you can practically braid them. With that in mind, his beauty is not because of or in spite of the fact that he is deaf…a lesson one he had to teach after someone tweeted “He’s deaf & YET he is finer than most guys around.” You don’t need to know sign language to see that back-handed compliment. Here’s what DiMarco posted in response:
In another video, DiMarco highlighted all the things people will do to “help” deaf people like tagging them in an article about a new surgery to cure deafness or sending a link to new sign language translating gloves rather than just simply taking the time to learn sign language so you can communicate with your friend.
Now this last one is such a new level of ignorance that it’s almost comical. Someone actually typed these words into a comment, “how is he deaf but able to read it .” Uhm, what? So DiMarco posted another video to explain that his deafness does not make him blind and then proceeded to educate on what Braille is and how blind people use it to read.
A teacher’s work is truly never done. To follow Nye DiMarco on TikTok click here!
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