The Oscar Winning Animated short was Disney’s “Paperman.” It is gorgeous. You need to watch it. For more entertainment news, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!
In a beautifully animated new art video collaboration between Barney's New York and Disney, Minnie Mouse dreams of a high fashion adventure. But the cartoon is likely to raise eyebrows for it's montage of the Disney characters showing off extremely skinny 'model' looks.
Soon 'The Situation' will be saving people from grenades and leaping tall kegs in a single bound. Apparently, the reality star has landed yet another deal - and it's a crazy one - to be a comic book superhero.
There’s a moment that comes in every superhero movie. It’s small, it’s subtle, and you might not even realize it, but it’s always there: the perfect three-point landing.
This montage of Judy Jetson clips reveal that the animated teen clearly had her priorities focused squarely on the boys. Keep your mind focused on career and personal grownth, young people of today! After all, where is Judy now? Where. Is Judy. Now.