Seriously, I cannot explain it. From what I can tell, this is not meant to be humorous. That said, I think it will make you smile, laugh, and pass it along!
This video has been around, but is gaining in clicks again ... check out this amazing Japanese precision marching group. They're amazing in their accuracy!
It's not surprising that these athletes from Japan's Aomori University won the gold for this performance. It is unbelievable how synchronized they are! Oddly enough, this video has gone viral before... but it's climbing in hits again.
Here's what I know: Not much. Although some sites have been calling this a Japanese pop group, I'm told it is a Korean group, which may or not be a comedy troupe -and they are doing a parody of a popular song, called "Gee." It is definitely funny. And strange. I can't really enlighten you with any additional information. I just ask that you trust me and take a moment to soak it all in.