Justin Bieber Can Crush New York City in New NEVER SAY NEVER Poster

-by Mike Finkelstein

Justin Bieber may be this generation’s teen idol, like the dozens of boy bands and pop princes and princesses before him, but don’t tell him that!  He’ll step on you!

Justin’s creative team (yes, he has a creative team…) released this week the official movie poster for his new movie, NEVER SAY NEVER.  And as you can see, the skinny teen stands so tall, he is literally standing over both his hometown of Stratford, Canada and the New York City skyline!  WOW!  He really grew up!  (Or, you know…it could all be a metaphor or something like that…)

The poster’s tagline is “Find Out What’s Possible If You Never Give Up.”  The film is supposed to give Bieber fans an inside look at his rise to fame, chronicling his tour, education and family life (all in 3D!!!)  And whatever you may think, apparently Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun has gotten a good review, as described by his tweet:

“one critic told me this movie #NeverSayNever3D was ‘like the RUDY of Music’ – best compliment about the film yet.”

NEVER SAY NEVER hit theaters February 11th.

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