The Situation: “Movies Is Definitely The Next Step.”

That’s right, Mike ‘The Situation” Sorrentino is looking to the future, and that includes a departure from the Jersey Shore, (And the TV show) to pursue a career on the big screen…

He says, according to E Online!

“Maybe another year or so of reality, and then I’m gonna graduate to movies… It’s like Michael Jordan. There’s only so long you can keep winning them rings.”

(I pauses here, to overlook the Michael Jordan reference. at least it’s not like Camille Grammer, who compared herself to Jesus…)

“You gotta move on and try something different … I love to be in front of the camera; I love performing; I love entertaining so movies is definitely the next step.”

Sorrentino didn’t go so far as to say that he had received any preliminary offers or interest from Hollywood, or that he had plans to take acting classes. At least for now, it appears he’s firmly planted in reality (tv). His next season of Jersey Shore will be set in Italy. Holy Moly.

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