Billy Ray Cyrus: “I Got My Miley Back”

I’m always a little weirded out when grown people called their father’s ‘daddy.’ I’m even more creeped out when the fathers call themselves ‘daddy.’

Enter Billy Ray Cyrus, who spoke to the ladies of The View about his recently tumultuous relationship with his daughter Miley.

Earlier in the year Cyrus gave a GQ interview where he blamed “Hannah Montana” for ruining his family and causing his daughter to make ‘bad choices.’ Miley was reportedly none to pleased about the remarks. Duh. But after some hard talks, things are apparently better, and he claims he “got my Miley back.”

Cyrus says: “The best it’s ever been. I feel like I kind of got my Miley back in a way. I feel like we are the daddy and the daughter that we were before Hannah Montana happened. Our communication, we have laughed a lot in the last couple of days.”

Okay, I’ll look past the ‘daddy’ thing here.

Billy Ray has also been the subject of stories on his allegedly troubled marriage to Tish. But even amid reports of a divorce, he says the couple is trying to stay together.

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1 Comment

  • He saying this now, after Hannah Montana and Disney made them both MILLIONS!!!!. I would say that or should I say Thats called biting the had that feeds ya, or fed ya. Which ever the case. I’m sure he wouldn’t be saying all of this BULLSHIT!!!!. If they still were under contract with Disney would he. Just another “ONE HIT WONDER TRYING TO LIVE IN THEIR KIDS SHADOW!!!!!

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