Charlie Sheen Sues Warner Bros. for $100 Million…Winning?

Charlie Sheen is on a roll, and he is definitely not letting up…

It is official that the Tiger Blooded star is now suing Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre for  $100 million plus punitive damages not just for himself, but on behalf of the cast and crew of “Two and A Half Men”.

In the lawsuit, Sheen’s attorney Marty Singer writes:

“Chuck Lorre, one of the richest men in television who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, believes himself to be so wealthy and powerful that he can unilaterally decide to take money away from the dedicated cast and crew of the popular television series, ‘Two and a Half Men,’ in order to serve his own ego and self-interest, and make the star of the Series the scapegoat for Lorre’s own conduct.”

When asked about the motive behind the lawsuit, Singer tells The Hollywood Reporter:

“When a production company and network are willing to hire someone who is a convicted felon and accused of putting a knife to his wife’s throat, and they know that this person has substance abuse problems, it’s obvious that their position in this dispute is ridiculous. What Warner Bros. is really saying is you can’t mess with the 900 pound gorilla showrunner [Lorre] or you will get tossed.”

Rumors were going around that the cast and crew of “Two and A Half Men” asked Sheen to file the lawsuit.  When asked about it, Singer said:

“I’m not going to comment on what people said privately. But if the cast and crew did something on their own they would be blackballed. Once you file a lawsuit, you don’t get paid and you don’t get hired. Charlie is looking out for the people he’s working with. Warner Bros. can try to cast this however they want but the complaint speaks for itself.”

So Sheen is basically saying that all of this is not really for him, but all for the financial safety of his crew…yet he is also demanding he gets paid for the eight canceled episodes of the hit CBS show.

What do you think?  Is Sheen doing this out of selflessness, or just because he doesn’t know when to quit?  Tell us below!

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