Charlie Sheen: Craziness Fosters High Metabolism, Which In Turn Fosters Abs.

The latest Charlie Sheen viral sensation? His abs. Seems that while his show in Detroit was awful, and his Chicago show was less awful, the new topic of convo is how despite a hollowed face, Sheen, 45, is in damn good shape. Chaz decided to bust out the abs during his Chicago performance, a jumbo-tron style background monitor giving the crowd a big-brother-like view of the Tiger as he strutted and posed. I’m not sure this kind of bravado warrants the ticket price. After all, if you’re after beefcake, I’m sure you can get cheap tickets to Chippendales somewhere.

Don’t feed the angry machine!

Celebuzz has the pics, (just a couple are here.)

The things about having 5% body fat in Hollywood is – they’re a thousand people who live on your street who do too.

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