POP Video: Justin Bieber’s Mom Gets Hair Lit on Fire at Berlin Show

Well this was a fun birthday…

At the end of Justin Bieber’s concert this past Saturday in Berlin, the teen pop sensation brought his mother, Pattie Mallette, up on stage for her birthday.

There was a cake.  With candles.  And according to UsMagazine.com, when Mallette leaned in to blow out the candles after the audience sang “Happy Birthday”, her hair caught on fire.

Luckily, the flames weren’t too bad, and Bieber quickly reached over to pat it out.

Bieber tweeted about the event later, saying:

“Sick show in Berlin… brought @studiomama on stage 2 sing her happy bday but she lit her hair on fire with the candles. lol. i saved her.”

Check out the video below, and see how sweet Mr. Bieber is with mother. 

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