Kara DioGuardi Says She Was Date Raped by Well-Known Music Producer

In her soon-to-be-released memoir, former ‘American Idol’ judge Kara DioGuardi reveals some pretty deep and personal details about her life, including the fact that she was molested as a child and once date raped by a well-known music producer.

According to E!Online,  DioGuradi opens up in her new book, ‘A Helluva High Note,’ about a family friend’s son who repeatedly molested her when she was 11:

“On one particular day, he took me into the back shed of his house and put his hands all over my breasts and vagina…I remember freezing and not knowing what to do.”

DioGuardi also goes into detail about how a well-known producer date raped her after dinner, and a “hugely successful artist” sexually harassed her a few years later.  On the producer:

“Within a few hours, he was on top of me, pumping, sweating, and speaking to me in Spanish, not a word of which I could understand.”

Concerning the “hugely successful artist”, DioGuardi says she was invited on a three-day songwriting trip but instead of actually writing songs, “the trip’s activities consisted of watching Russian porn, scavenging around the kitchen for food [and] leering at two strippers … as they performed sex acts in the living room.”

The former ‘Idol’ judge said she never told anyone about anything for fear it would affect her career.

DioGuardi’s new Bravo show, ‘Platinum’, debuts next month.


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