HANGOVER III…Will It Happen? It Just May…

THE HANGOVER is already considered a modern Bachelor Party classic.  because of that, THE HANGOVER PART II has some of the highest expectations of a movie in recent years.  Can it live up to the original?  Can it be something new while still sticking to the same blueprint?  Can it keep the franchise at the top of it’s game, because OBVIOUSLY, there would NEVER be a HANGOVER III, since it’d just be repetitive…right?

Not exactly…

At a recent press conference for the sequel, Director Todd Phillips said that if the want is there, he would love to do THE HANGOVER PART III.  However, the memory loss idea would probably be too old:

“If we were to do a third one, and quite honestly we really haven’t talked about it as we just finished the movie two weeks ago, this is the first time we’ve all been together in awhile. If we were to do a third one, if the audience…if the desire was there…I think we have a clear idea where that would head and it’s certainly not in the same template you’ve seen these movies and obviously we always envisioned it as a trilogy as you can imagine (lot’s of laughter), the third would very much a finale and an ending. The most I could say about it and I haven’t discussed it with these actors is that it is not following that template but very much a new idea.”

That is refreshing.  And the best part about being the director of one of the biggest movies of the decade?  Cajoling…

“As far as where it takes place…I’m very open like the Olympic committee to being pitched and presented cities…flown around with wine and women and bribed and then I will make my decision.”

THE HANGOVER PART II opens everywhere next Friday.  And in the meantime, remember when I mentioned the thing about the same exact blueprint?  Here’s your proof:

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