Is Justin Bieber A Brat? One Hollywood Actress Says So.

If CSI’s Marg Helgenberger’s anaylsis of Justin Bieber is correct, then the kid’s ego is bigger than his hair. Bieber has guest starred on the CBS drama, and while Helgenberger had no personal issues with him, she didn’t exactly talk him up during an appearance on a French radio show.

 She told “Le Grand Direct des Médias“:

“I shouldn’t be saying this but he was kind of a brat… He was very nice to me, but he locked one of the producers in a closet, and he put his first through a cake that was on the craft services table.”

It seems odd that he would just LOCK someone in a room… onset hijinks perhaps? Maybe he just thought all of the antics were funny. But as they say, funny is a matter of a opinion.

Meanwhile, she won’t have to be concerned about sharing the CSI soundstage with him anytime soon. His character was shot down in a grizzy police confrontation. The video became a viral sensation, weirdly enough.


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