The Father of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino Lashes Out Against His Son. On Video!

In a bizarre profanity laden rant, the father of Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino has some harsh words for his son.

As creepy music plays behind him, Frank Sorrentino accuses his son of forgetting where he came from, and says that when he asked the Sitch for a favor, Mike told him to go on welfare like just another ‘Joe Blow.”

Seems like attention getting obnoxiousness runs in the family, because dad has launched not only this, but several other video tirades, criticizing the Jersey Shore cast and using as many (if not more) expletives and crass remarks as the young reality stars themselves.

Needless to say, this is full of strong language. Even if you have no problem with strong language, you will likely lose a few brain cells by listening! Among the quotables that weren’t too vulgar to type:

“He created more situations for me in my life than the name he gave himself. He put me in more confrontations than any boy I ever had…

You’re all for yourself… You’re full of sh*t…

I love my son, but you know what Mike? When you get to the top and you forget where you come from, somebody should remind you… I love my son but he broke my heart.”

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  • What set him off like this? What kind of favor did he ask? Why won’t the sitch do his own dad a favor?

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