VIDEO: Best Attempt At a Movie Theater to Stop Talking/Texting EVER!

We’ve all been there…settling down to watch a movie in a crowded theater.  The lights go dim, the movie starts…and then some cell phone rings and the guy two rows ahead starts to have a conversation.

Don’t ya just wanna slap the guy with your sneaker?  I do.

Well, there’s one theater in Austin, Texas, called the Alamo Drafthouse that has a strict policy about talkers/texters: one warning, and if you’re reported again, you’re immediately kicked out with no refund.

Apparently, one girl was caught twice texting during her movie, and was kicked out.  Later that night, she called the theater and left a very angry voicemail for the staff about how they were all “assholes” and didn’t treat her like a “customer”.  So what did the workers do?  Created a pre-movie ad about talking/texting, completely humiliating the girl, and making sure everyone else listens too!

Check out the ad below, and laugh as you imagine which one of your friends you’d love to hear embarrassed on that silver screen.


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