Amazing Video: After Freeing A Whale Covered In Netting, The Creature Gives An Amazing Display Of Thanks

A whale near death, bound by fishing nets floats hopelessly in the ocean... until a group of caring people work tirelessly to free the animal. With a video camera capturing every suspenseful moment, the emotional climax comes when the whale is finally free. In what is clearly a joyful moment, the whale frolics in the air, splashing and breaching more than forty times in celebration!

This is truly amazing. A whale near death, surrounded and bound by fishing nets floats hopelessly in the ocean… until a boat of caring people comes along – the group goes to great lengths to untangle, cut away, and work for more than an hour to free the animal. With a video camera capturing every suspenseful moment, the emotional climax comes when the whale is finally free. In what is clearly a joyful moment, the whale frolics in the air, splashing and breaching more than forty times in celebration, and perhaps gratitude.

Michael Fishbach narrates his encounter with a humpback whale entangled in a fishing net. Gershon Cohen and he have founded The Great Whale Conservancy to help and protect whales. Visit their website, facebook page, and join them in helping to save these magnificent beings.

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