Chris Evans Needed Therapy for CAPTAIN AMERICA

Captain America is an iconic role for any person to play.  How could you do justice to “The First Avenger”, a superhero beloved by millions?  And what about the pressure of joining the Marvel universe that is being constructed so delicately into something we’ve never seen before in film?

Well, it seems like Chris Evans was having enough trouble with all this pressure, that he decided to get therapy before accepting the role!

In a new interview with the New York Times, Evans says:

“I wouldn’t have done it had I not agreed to do ‘Captain America’ and gone into panic mode…The second I agreed to do it, I was like, ‘All right, I’ll do this, but I’ve got to start working on my head.'”

Evans told GQ earlier in the year that when he was offered the lead, he knew the role was a huge breakthrough for him, but he just kept saying no:

“I said no a bunch, and every time I said no, I woke up the next morning so happy and content…I kept saying no; they kept coming back. And eventually I was like, ‘You know what? This is your biggest fear — this is exactly what you have to do.'”

As we all know, he did what he had to do.

Evans is currently filming THE AVENGERS and is signed on for four CAPTAIN AMERICA sequels.

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