Is Lindsay Lohan Going After Chris Brown?

Lindsay Lohan was apparently impressed with Chris Brown's performance at MTV's Video Music Awards. After the singer danced to his hit singles, Lohan tweeted in support: "Chris Brown killed it." But she didn't stop there...

Lindsay Lohan was apparently impressed with Chris Brown’s performance at MTV’s Video Music Awards. After the singer danced to his hit singles “Yeah 3x” and “Beautiful People,” Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and Wu Tang Clan’s “Protect Your Neck,” Lohan tweeted in support: “Chris Brown killed it.”

But she didn’t stop there… a little while later, with all 2.3 million of her followers able to see it, she tweeted further: “Wanna meet?” she asked. Talk about putting yourself out there!

After the blog community speculated that Lohan was looking for a little love from the musician slash Rihanna attacker, Gossip Cop checked with Lohan directly.“Hahaha. That’s so random!” she told them, denying a romantic implication.

Brown ended up retweeting her praise for the performance, but did not respond to her inquiry about a rendezvous.

Call it a reflection of the changing times, but when I grew up celebs used publicists to orchestrate introductions. But that’s just me.

Follow @BrianBalthazar on Twitter. And like Lindsay, you too can comment on my VMA performances and arrange spontaneous meet-ups.

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1 Comment

  • Never really believed in matches being made in heaven until now. I guess we’ll be hearing from dad soon.

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