CAPTIVATING VIDEO: ParaHawking Is Just What It Sounds Like
Here’s more proof that so many animals are innately trusting. Parahawking is apparently a trend that involves the tradition of falconry and parasailing. Trainers spend a great deal of time with these birds, who then fly along with paragliders as they fly through the air.
I’m certainly in favor of animals having their freedom, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the relationship you see between these birds and men in flight is pretty breathtaking. I don’t know much about this, but I can say the pictures are remarkable. I’m open to your comments and thoughts about whether this is right or wrong. In the meantime check out the video.
The one issue that does concern me in situations like this is that more and more places are touting this as a tourism experience – and that can then lead to mistreatment if the birds are in the wrong hands.  And yet, raising some awareness of falcons and hawks (they’re within the same animal family but not the same genus) and preserving their existence is a good thing – and sometimes that comes more easily with a level of interaction. Please feel free to comment!
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