VIDEO: Little Girls 9 Seconds Of Sinister Laughter Goes Viral

A young mom was videotaping her daughters playtime when the little girl's laughter turned sinister. Amused, she posted the video on line with the heading, "My daughter has chosen the darkside."

A young mom was videotaping her daughters playtime when the little girl’s laughter turned sinister. Amused, she posted the video on line with the heading, “My daughter has chosen the darkside.” The 9 seconds of cute kid behavior went viral. In the uploader’s words: “Holy sh*t, it’s not even been 12 hours since I uploaded. I didn’t expect this kind of reaction! I will pass on your greetings to my daughter, though I expect this is all part of her plan…”

So far, it’s gotten more than 500 thousand views!

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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