NYU Professor Fired For Giving James Franco a Bad Grade?

James Franco is a man that apparently wants to do everything. He acts, directs, writes, produces, has numerous degrees, and so much more. And yet, one teacher says that he was fired for giving Franco a single bad grade in his class.

James Franco is a man that apparently wants to do everything.  He acts, directs, writes, produces, has numerous degrees, and so much more.  And yet, one teacher says that he was fired for giving Franco a single bad grade in his class.

According to the New York Post, one of Franco’s former professors, José Angel Santana, claims that he was fired for giving Franco a “D” in “Directing the Actor II.”  Santana says that Franco missed 12 of the 14 classes.  Since giving the grade, the post says that “Santana has suffered all kinds of drama — first from Franco, who publicly ridiculed him, then from his department, which axed him over the ‘D,'” Santana says,

“In my opinion, they’ve turned the NYU graduate film degree into swag for James Franco’s purposes, a possession, something you can buy,”

Franco, on the other hand, seems confused over such a bad grade, saying, “I did the work, I did well in everythingelse.”

NYU released a statement on the issue, saying:

“We have not seen the lawsuit yet, but the claims we are seeing in the media are ridiculous. Beyond that, it is regrettable and disappointing to see a faculty member — former or otherwise — discuss any student’s grade for the purpose of personal publicity.”

Okay….to me it seems like Santana isn’t really going for personal publicity, but to tell his side of a story that cost him his job.  I think that makes sense…And something tells me that with all of Franco’s extracurricular activities, it’s more likely that he was missing the  classes than getting to every single one, hosting the Oscars, and doing all the rest of his superhuman deeds.


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