SONY Pictures Is Ready to See What Seth Rogan and Jay Baruchel’s APOCALYPSE Looks Like

After months of shopping around the idea, Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel's short, "Jay and Seth vs. The Apocalypse" is finally turning into a full film.

After months of shopping around the idea, Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel’s short, “Jay and Seth vs. The Apocalypse” is finally turning into a full film.

According to Joblo, Sony Pictures is in talks to finance and distribute the film, which would take place mostly inside James Franco’s apartment in Los Angeles after the end of the world.

The two actors made their short all the way back in 2008, and are hoping to bring into the film all their old friends, including Franco, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, and many more.

Rogen and writing partner Evan Goldberg will be making their directorial debut on the project.  And what’s the opinion of the project so far?  Rogen has said in the past that he expects THE APOCALYPSE to be R-rated and “crazy.”

Check out the original short below, and know in your gut that you’d love to spend the end of the world with these guys…

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