VIDEO: Did Ricky Gervais Deliver or Underdeliver? Watch, Hear HIS Opinion, and Then You Tell Us!

If you asked a group of a hundred people why they watched the Golden Globes last night, I predict that 5 would say "the stars", 5 would say "the awards", and 80 would say "Ricky Gervais". Ever since last year's night of debauchery, fans wondered if he would pull the same punches.

If you asked a group of a hundred people why they watched the Golden Globes last night, I predict that 5 would say “the stars”, 5 would say “the awards”, and 80 would say “Ricky Gervais”.  Ever since last year’s night of debauchery, fans wondered if he would pull the same punches.

So did he?

First off, we have to say that Ricky posted on his official site blog this morning about the show, saying that he had a blast:

“Thank f–k that’s over. I had a blast actually. It was by far my favorite of the three hosting stints.”

Already cutting to the chase, Gervais said that he will not be doing anything show, because it just won’t be fun:

“I’ve told my agent to never let me be persuaded to do it again though…It’s like a parachute jump. You can only really enjoy it in retrospect when you realize you didn’t die and it was quite an amazing thing to do.”

And how was the crowd?  Apparently, a lot more understanding than last year:

“The crowd were great this year too. I think they finally worked out that my gags only seemed rude and nasty but were actually not too scary at all. Or they were just drunker.”

Or maybe the jokes just weren’t anywhere near as harsh?

In my opinion, despite the fact that he was saying he wouldn’t hold back and no one would know what he would say until he said it, Ricky seemed pretty damn tame.  There were no boos, no awkward silences, and he pretty much showed up once an hour for about 30 seconds.  Something tells me that someone there was holding the strings…

So what do you think?  Did Ricky deliver, or was the hype just too much to live up to?  You watch the opening monologue below, and let us know!

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