Andrew Garfield Comments on Spider-Man AVENGERS Cameo

Last month, we told you about a rumor that the Amazing Spider-Man would be making a cameo appearance in THE AVENGERS. Well now, Andrew Garfield is saying that if that is happening, it has nothing to do with him!

Last month, we told you about a rumor that the Amazing Spider-Man would be making a cameo appearance in THE AVENGERS.  Well now, Andrew Garfield is saying that if that is happening, it has nothing to do with him!

There has been a rumor that Spider-Man will somehow appear in “The Avengers,” despite the fact that Marvel is not legally allowed to use the character in a movie. That right belongs to Sony Pictures.

In a new interview with MTV, Garfield was asked if he heard anything about the cameo.  His only response:

“I didn’t get that call, no. Maybe I just haven’t been answering my phone.”

And there you have it.  Seems legit enough…although, I’m still pulling and hoping that Garfield is just trying to keep everything secret.  We only have three more months until we find out!

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