Judi Dench Confirms She is NOT Going Blind

Judi Dench has confirmed: Her eyesight will stay intact.

Judi Dench has confirmed: Her eyesight will stay intact.

The rumors all started early last week In an interview with Britain’s Daily Mirror, where Dench said that she suffers from macular degeneration, a disease that affects her vision:

“The most distressing thing is in a restaurant in the evening I can’t see the person I’m having dinner with…I know there might be something going on but sometimes I can’t see it and that infuriates me as I think I’m really missing out on something.”

Dench said her sight is so bad that she usually needs to get friends and family members to read her scripts to her.

Well now, the 77-year-old actress is telling Reuters that everything was blown out of proportion.

“In response to the numerous articles in the media concerning my eye condition–macular degeneration–I do not wish for this to be overblown…This condition is something that thousands and thousands of people all over the world are having to contend with. It’s something that I have learnt to cope with and adapt to—and it will not lead to blindness.”

Thank goodness!  If we were going to lose one of the greatest actresses of our time to blindness, that would have been just cruel.  Take someone from “Jersey Shore” instead…

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