SUPER BOWL SPOT: VW’s “The Dog Strikes Back” Is 90% Great

When it comes to Super Bowl commercials, Volkswagen really stole the show in 2011 with their Star Wars themed commercial. This year, they almost had another winner with 'The Dog Strikes Back" - a funny spot about a dog who puts himself on a diet.But a strange turn at the end leaves the whole thing falling short.

When it comes to Super Bowl commercials, Volkswagen really stole the show in 2011 with their Star Wars themed commercial. This year, they almost had another winner with ‘The Dog Strikes Back” – a funny spot about a dog who puts himself on a diet. But in what almost seems like a desperate act to capitalize on last year’s magic, it tries to bring back the Star Wars theme at the end, which ultimately ends up falling short. Still… the initial concept for the ad is really strong, and could have stood well on its own. Take a look and see for yourself.

Below is a slightly extended version of the spot.

Last years spot, which featured a child dressed as Darth Vader trying to “use the force” became a viral sensation, getting nearly 7 million views on YouTube.

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