TOO COOL VIDEO: Hi-Tech Augmented Reality Creates Interactive Sesame Street Characters

It's never been a cooler time to be a kid! In this amazing video, watch how Muppet figures come to life with an iPad and the latest in Augmented Reality technology. Just imagine the endless possibilities this technology could have on the way we learn, play and work!

It’s never been a cooler time to be a kid! In this amazing video, watch how Muppet figures come to life with an iPad and the latest in Augmented Reality technology. Just a taste of what’s to come in interactive toys.

This is amazing! Think of how this could eventually be used in all sorts of fantastic ways. For now, let’s enjoy all the incredible opportunities for education, workplace training and science before the adult entertainment industry does something naughty with it. (And we all KNOW they will.)

For more viral videos and other cool stuff, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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