Report: Woody Allen Continues His European Tour With Newest Film

For the past decade, Woody Allen has been taking a little break from his love affair with Manhattan. Starting with London in MATCH POINT, Allen has made his way around Europe, to Barcelona (VICKI CHRISTINA BARCELONA), then Paris (MIDNIGHT IN PARIS), and now NERO FIDDLED in Rome. (And don't forget he went back to London four more times in between.) So it's more than fitting that his next film follows suit, and films in Copenhagen.

For the past decade, Woody Allen has been taking a little break from his love affair with Manhattan.  Starting with London in MATCH POINT, Allen has made his way around Europe, to Barcelona (VICKI CHRISTINA BARCELONA), then Paris (MIDNIGHT IN PARIS), and now NERO FIDDLED in Rome.  (And don’t forget he went back to London four more times in between.)  So it’s more than fitting that his next film follows suit, and films in Copenhagen.

According to JoBlo, Danish sources are saying that “Letty Aronson, producer of all of Allen’s European-set features… is in talks with Per Holst– the producer of Oscar-winner Pelle The Conqueror (1987) — for a 2013 shoot in the Danish capital.”

As of now, there are no details on a story, plot, or if any of the familiar players will make appearances, but we will keep you updated when more information comes through. And until that happens, I suggest you go out and buy MIDNIGHT IN PARIS immediately and enjoy the magic.

Oh, and NERO FIDDLED opens in limited release June 22nd.

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