VIDEO: Check Out What STAR WARS EPISODE VII Would Look Like From Kevin Smith, Woody Allen, And More!

The folks over at Conan decided to give us glimpses at what a new STAR WARS entry would look like from some of our favorite directors!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is now a fact: despite whatever you may think, STAR WARS: EPISODES VII, VIII AND IX are coming to a theater near you.  And while both the original and prequel trilogies have distinct feels to them, one has to wonder how a George Lucas-less saga will compare.

Luckily for us, the folks over at Conan were asking the same question, and decided to give us glimpses at what a new STAR WARS entry would look like from some of our favorite directors!

Check out below what entries from Wes Anderson, Woody Allen, Kevin Smith, and many others would look like.

Oh, and get ready to never look at Ewoks the same again…


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