Jennifer Love Hewitt’s (Virtual) Boob Job

Usually, folks are photoshopping a woman's breasts to make them BIGGER. But Jennifer Love Hewitt unknowingly had her own breasts REDUCED in an ad for her show The Client List.

Now you see ’em… now you don’t!

Usually, folks are photoshopping a woman’s breasts to make them bigger. But Jennifer Love Hewitt unknowingly had her breasts reduced in an ad for her show The Client List. 

In one ad, you can clearly see Hewitt’s girls are out in full force, with ample cleavage, in a black slip.  In the other, they’re significantly shrunken down and cleavage is kept to a minimum. Wha? This is Hollywood, right? And here I thought they always made ’em bigger out there.

So who gets the D cup and who gets the B cup? Glad you asked. Entertainment Weekly featured the shrunken down version, while The Hollywood Reporter opted for the whole package. (hmm… EW is based out of NYC, while THR is based out of, well… Hollywood – maybe it’s a regional thing!)

Hewitt was on a radio show recently and admitted the ‘adjustment’ was news to her. She told KROQ’s Kevin & Bean Show:

“Somebody sent me a copy of the photograph, and I was like, ‘Um, what happened?’ … ”I’m not quite sure what’s going on … but apparently somebody wanted me to have a boob reduction.”

It’s not a total loss. Hey, publicity is publicity.

You can see the real things  (covered up, at least) by watching The Client List on Lifetime, Sunday nights at 10/9c. I think you’ll find that Hewitt’s character ‘takes care’ of clients that are far better looking that most of the clients you might expect in real life.  (see below.)

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