VIDEO: Experience The Awkwardness That Is Mel Gibson On Jay Leno.

In an awkward appearance on the Tonight Show, Mel Gibson had the opportunity to respond to the crazy that is Mel Gibson.

In an awkward appearance on the Tonight Show, Mel Gibson had the opportunity to respond to the crazy that is Mel Gibson.


Gibson made news for yet another meltdown this past month after filmmaker and screenwriter Joe Ezsterhas released a recording of Mel Gibson furiously ranting about needing a copy of a script for a film they were working on together. (Listen to the rant HERE.) Natch, not all of the story is included in the interview, but in fact Ezsterhas claims his son was present at the time of the tirade and recorded it on his phone. (Frankly, if someone screamed that outrageously at me, I’d be recording in case I needed it for evidence… who knows what else he’s capable of!)

As part of his promotional tour for the film Get The Gringo, Gibson was booked on Leno, and it would have been a huge elephant in the room not to discuss the craziness.

Leno is careful not to turn the show into an episode of 60 Minutes (which, in truth, is the show that Gibson should be speaking to these days,) so the questioning is somewhat lightweight. Combine that with an audience that isn’t so enthusiastic about him being there, and you’ve got an awkward TV interview. (Although they seem to cheer as though he’s kind of a cool guy for ‘letting off some steam’ – which, for anyone who listened to the original rant knows, is quite the understatement.)

Gibson’s defensiveness that Ezsterhas shouldn’t have recorded the angry rant doesn’t hold much weight with me. Try not being such an !@^#@$. Then we’ll talk.

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