You Thought Alicia Silverstone Was Bad?! Hear What “Blossom” Star Mayim Bialik Does For HER Children!

Last month, we shuddered at the YouTube video of Alicia Silverstone feeding her son mouth-to-mouth (something that Silverstone says she has no regrets about posting online). Then, there was the story of January Jones taking pills made from her own placenta. And now, we have yet another celebrity parenting choice that most may not approve of...

Last month, we shuddered at the YouTube video of Alicia Silverstone feeding her son mouth-to-mouth (something that Silverstone says she has no regrets about posting online).  Then, there was the story of January Jones taking pills made from her own placenta.  And now, we have yet another celebrity parenting choice that most may not approve of…

Mayim Bialik, the star of the 90s series, “Blossom”, has authored a new book, entitled “Beyond The Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children The Attachment Parenting Way.”  Among the techniques the actor turned doctor details for “Attachment Parenting”: natural births, breast-feeding and sleeping with your children.

The 36-year-old writes that she still breastfeeds her three-and-a-half-year-old son Fred, and that she and her husband sleep with their two sons on the floor.  As for potty training, the two also have a gentler approach:

“You’re basically training your child to use their pants as a bathroom [diapers] and two years later we have them turn around and do all sorts of complicated manipulations to get them to unlearn.”

No matter what you may think of the parenting techniques (interesting, to say the least…), Mayim says that, like any other mother, she is just trying to do the best for her children:

“Most of our life is centered around trying to be the best parents we want to be.”

I think I’ll just stick with Pampers and sippy cups…

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  • That first quote is taken entirely out of context. It is intended as a description of conventional potty training, and has nothing to do with her own children’s elimination.

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