THIS EXISTS: “Guitar Pee” Urinal Plays Music When You Go

Call it "Streaming audio." Engineers have created a musical toilet that plays guitar music based on where you pee. Essentially, you can express yourself while you expel yourself. But it doesn't stop there.

Because they can. Engineers created a musical toilet that plays guitar music based on where you pee. Essentially, you can express yourself while you expel yourself. But it doesn’t stop there.


That’s right, because we live in an interactive world, your ‘performance’ is assigned a number that you can plug into your computer so you can later hear it again via ‘streaming’ audio. (Sorry I couldn’t resist.) Then you can send it over to your friends (via mpee3… groan) make it into your ringtone, and God knows what else.

This is viral advertising at its finest. Or worst?

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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