It pains me to say this, but it seems like MacGruber has diffused his last bomb…

UPDATE: Will Forte has confirmed his prior statements in a new interview, saying that while he would love to make a MACGRUBER 2 (and will have a script probably within the next six months…), the main factor on the table is money:

“I wasn’t prepared to answer anything about Macgruber 2 when I was talking to everybody on Saturday…I guess the best way to put it is the probability of us writing a Macgruber 2 script in the next six months is 100%. The probability of somebody giving us money to make that script is somewhat less than 100%. We would do it if someone were to let us do it.”

“We will definitely write a Macgruber 2 if only just to have fun…Like people who are into sports will go out and play pickup basketball. Comedy nerds will go write scripts. We actually have some ideas written down already and a couple of scenes but we’ve got to figure out exactly what we’re going to do. We’re definitely going to write it. It’s just a matter of if anybody would ever let us make it.”

Someone get a clothes pin, a shoelace, and a stick of gum!  We got work to do!


It pains me to say this, but it seems like MacGruber has diffused his last bomb…

Despite reports just a few weeks ago that MACGRUBER director Jorma Taccone wanted to make a Christmas-based sequel for the character, Will Forte has confirmed that it will not be happening.

Take a look (courtesy of Joblo) at this exchange between Forte and Andy Samberg during the press conference for their new film, THAT’S MY BOY:

Will Forte: As for MACGRUBER 2, it’s very much in the works. We’re just… no, I’m kidding. Jorma mentioned it. He was really tired one morning giving an interview, and he said something stupid about it. Believe me, we would love… we had so much fun doing that. We’re proud of it, and we jokingly talk about the sequel all the time. But I don’t think anybody in their right mind would give us any money for it. If somebody gives us money for it–
Andy Samberg: I’ll give you a thousand bucks right now.
Will Forte: There is going to be a MACGRUBER 2 then. Funded by Andy Samberg.
Andy Samberg: On a flipcam.”

Still hoping?  Forte went on to kill any hope, saying,”there might be ‘one alternate universe in a series of parallel universes’ where MacGruber 2 could get made,” but that’s not where we live.

In memory, let’s enjoy this, and drink our hopes away…

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