Ashley Tisdale Is Takes The Lead In SCARY MOVIE 5

SCARY MOVIE 5 has found its leading lady.

SCARY MOVIE 5 has found its leading lady.

Worst Previews is reporting that Dimension Films has cast Ashley Tisdale of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL fame as one of the leads in the parody sequel.  It is not clear whether Tisdale will be replacing Anna Faris, or just joining a bigger group of new stars.

This is usually the point where I would say something sarcastic and mean about the franchise that should have stopped at part 2, but I actually feel bad for Tisdale.  I think she’s a really talented actress, and I’m not sure if this is the best career move for her…

In the absence of the remark, I will just say that the SCARY MOVIE franchise (surprisingly…) has grossed over $800 million globally.

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