After Lackluster Screening, Academy Members Predict No Oscar Nods For DARK KNIGHT RISES

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES may have pulled in over $162 Million in its first weekend alone, but that doesn't mean that the Academy Members are feeling the same love.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES may have pulled in over $162 Million in its first weekend alone, but that doesn’t mean that the Academy Members are feeling the same love.

According to Worst Previews, members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences were invited to the Samuel Goldwyn Theaters on Saturday night for a screening of TDKR, and the response was lackluster.

Several attendees are reporting that the audience stayed in their seats when the closing credits appeared, and then departed without much discussion.  (Usually, Academy members are very vocal when they like a movie.)

The response was so bad, that critic Bret Easton Ellis, who was in attendance, said that the chance of any Oscar nominations besides technical ones is slim:

“I don’t think it can be nominated as best picture…Not that it really matters, but there was zero love for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ at the packed Academy screening in Los Angeles tonight.”

Something tells me that if Ellis’ predictions come true, Batman fans are not going to be happy. Many feel that this is their RETURN OF THE KING, and that Nolan should not only be commended for his final Batman film, but for the entire trilogy.
The real question is do YOU think THE DARK KNIGHT RISES deserves any Oscar nominations?

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