VIDEO: Will.I.Am. Is The Best Thing To Happen To Britney Spears This Year.

Black Eyed Peas genius Will. I. Am. features Britney Spears in the new single "All Eyes On Us." It could be the best thing to happen to Britney this year... for several reasons. WATCH THE VIDEO!

Black Eyed Peas genius Will. I. Am. features Britney Spears in the new single “All Eyes On Us.” It could be the best thing to happen to Britney this year… for several reasons. 


First, Spears’ most recent music videos have been subject to some criticism. The biggest complain? Spears hasn’t brought her “A” game in the dancing department. In her heyday, Spears could nail choreography more aptly than her backup dancer entourage. But that seemed to change in recent videos, where she’s been restricted to posing. Here, the video production makes the most of Britney by simply featuring multiple Britneys.

No one will argue that this is a song to be lauded for its depth… but it’s not really supposed to be. This is an unapologetic club song. And if you haven’t been to a club in a while, it’s still full of songs that are high on beat and low on lyric. Will I Am can knows his way around a good groove – and he knows lyric writing too – he definitely carries the weight here… but Britney fans will come flocking too, because, simply put – it’s Britney.

Finally – is Spears borrowing a page from Madonna with the faux British accent?

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