Who Will The First Stand Alone STAR WARS Film Focus On…? Harry Knowles Says He Has The Answer

With the anticipation running high over any new STAR WARS release coming our way, fans have been going hard trying to figure out any plot details that could be developing. And now, we might just have a big scoop to wet your whistle…

10-31suniverse_full_600With the anticipation running high over any new STAR WARS release coming our way, fans have been going hard trying to figure out any plot details that could be developing.  And now, we might just have a big scoop to wet your whistle…

Harry Knowles at “Ain’t It Cool News” is reporting that besides an upcoming trilogy, he knows which character Disney plans to create a stand-alone film about.

That character is the one and only Yoda.  Knowles says,

“The first Stand Alone film is going to center upon YODA.  At this stage specifics are sparse, but Kathleen Kennedy is putting together a STAR WARS slate…  I’m wildly curious for more details on the YODA film – would this be a young or old YODA tale?”

If Knowles’ sources are true, one has to wonder where Disney is planning on taking the brand.  It’s interesting to note that instead of using the obvious characters, like Han Solo, Darth Vader or Boba Fett, they would be going for a CGI/puppet character that is a perfect attraction for new children audiences…

So while Disney may be making all the right moves so far in terms of director and a loose release date, could they be making a wrong move by slowly giving up on the older generation and focusing on newcomers?

Let us know what you think below!

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