Chris Brown On Rihanna: Remorseful, Sorry, Eternally Grateful, Thankful

In an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Chris Brown has opened up about his past troubles and his relationship with Rihanna.

Chris BrownIn an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Chris Brown has opened up about his past troubles and his relationship with Rihanna.

On Seacrest’s radio show, Ryan gave Barbara Walters a run for her money, but taking his time with the easy questions, and then  eventually getting down the to serious matter of Brown’s mistreatment of his then (and now current( girlfriend Rihanna, and his problematic public image. It was the most level headed Brown we have seen in some time.

Here are the highlights – both clips are below, but the most topical questions are in part two.

On Rihanna and winning her back: “I just tried my best to be the best man I could be over the years and just show her how remorseful and sorry I was.”

“That time was probably the worst part of my life and being that she’s been and she is a wonderful person I’m eternally grateful and thankful.”

“At that young age I can tell you I was arrogant and definitely hotheaded. Everybody has a temper, but for me it was not knowing how to control it when I thought I had the world in my hands.”

On fans who may like his music but can’t allow themselves to like him as a person: “People are entitled to their opinions. I can’t go around blaming. It’s all about my responsibility and me growing up as a man.”

“So I think now that I’m becoming older, and trying to mature in this life under the public eye, I have to focus on doing the right thing and being more of a humble individual.”

On the greatest lesson he learned in life: “That you can lose it all. And I’m not saying fame or stardom because that’s not what it’s about.”

“I’m talking about dignity [and] integrity. You know, you lose yourself in a way.”

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