The Strange Ways Of Amanda Bynes

As if to give Lindsay Lohan a run for her money, Amanda Bynes has been steadily tweeting more and more odd photos and propositions lately. Today, a busty self portrait. Are we witnessing a celebrity's meltdown in real time?

As if to give Lindsay Lohan a run for her money, Amanda Bynes has been steadily tweeting more and more odd photos and propositions lately. Today, a busty self portrait. Are we witnessing a celebrity’s meltdown in real time?

Amanda BynesFrom an outsider’s view, many would agree that Bynes has been in caught in a downward spiral over the past year. with two misdemeanor hit and run charges (they were ultimately dismissed after financial settlements were reached) a DUI case (she eventually tweeted President Obama to ask for help  -not surprisingly, he failed to respond) and two counts of driving on a suspended drivers license cases still pending. Friends and neighbors have reportedly been concerned about drug use and self destructive behavior.

But recently, her twitter account has been getting even crazier. In mid March she tweeted, ” If I’m not following you on twitter, I hate you.” On March 21 she gave a twitter ‘mention’ to musical artist Drake by tweeting: “I want @drake to murder my vag—a.”  (She wrote the full word.)

We can assume this is her idea of flirting.

Now Bynes has tweeted a photo of herself in a tight, low cut top, and short skirt (above left).  Her caption: “Looking pudgy and I broke my nail #GirlProblems.”

While the rise of social networking has resulted in an exciting up-to-the-minute awareness of someone’s ‘status,’ the sad downside is that this same, instant status-update world also allows the world to bear witness to a sad decline in someone’s well being.  It seems that more and more the real-time aspect of our world reveals a depressing story of the struggles of celebrities trying to cling to their success – in a business where there is always someone waiting to take your place.

I feel like we’ve seen this happen one too many times already. While we obviously don’t know the full story, it seems clear that she needs an intervention of some sort. Let’s hope she gets the support she needs.

For more celebrity news, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter.

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1 Comment

  • Brian,

    I always had great respect for her as she had such a blossoming career and seemed to stay out of the young Hollywood limelight. She didn’t run into problems, she wore panties and she was what appeared to be a ‘sweetheart’. Watching her over the last two years makes you really wonder if this downward spiral is an emotional breakdown or drug induced. My fear is that it is drug related.

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