Paris Jackson Talks About Life With Michael, Wearing Masks, Restoring Neverland.

In her first newspaper interview, 15 year old Paris Jackson defends the masks and veils she wore as a child, and talks about restoring Neverland.
Paris Jackson Event Magazine FullIn her first newspaper interview, 15 year old Paris Jackson defends the masks and veils she wore as a child, and talks about restoring Neverland.
Paris Jackson says Michael was an “incredible father… We all loved him to death” and says the veils were just what Michael described them as – a way to  protect her and siblings Prince and Blanket, now 16 and 11 from prying eyes.

“He didn’t want anyone to see what we looked like. That way we could have what he didn’t, which was a normal childhood,” she said.

Just like a typical teenager, she expresses a desire for more freedom:

“I’m on a tight leash and I feel that if that leash was loosened a little bit I would definitely have a chance of a normal childhood … I have friends who are completely normal … they don’t even think of me as MJ’s kid.”

Paris enjoys the public eye enough to pursue an acting career – but also has plans outside the spotlight once she gets out of school: “I want to be an actress, but just throughout high school. Then I want to go to medical school and be a doctor specializing in heart surgery. I want to help people, that’s it.”

Jackson also shares the same passion for Neverland Valley Ranch that her father did. She revisited the property two years ago and was wrought with emotion.

“I cried and I cried.  It’s beautiful there.  It still has good energy,” she said.

The Jackson estate has a mere 12.5 percent interest in Neverland – the rest belongs to a Capital banking group.

For now, she dreams of restoring the property and using it for underprivileged children. Lady Gaga once expressed a similar interest for the park.

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