TRENDING: The Next ‘Super Smash Bros.’ Installment Brings Everyone Back…Literally Everyone!

I know what you’re thinking…”what’s a cool, edgy, pop culture website doing writing about video games?” Well we are totes cool, edgy and chock full of pop culture but we also have to listen to the masses. And today the masses are all a buzz about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Nintendo game is trending all over Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram…hell I’m sure even MySpace has a few new posts about it.

All of the excitement is certainly justified because for the first time ever, every single character from each of the game’s installments will be playable! That’s right, gamers will be able to play as one of the 70+  characters featured in the series. So whether you need an O.G like Pikachu, or prefer someone newer like Bayonetta, there is a character for everyone!

The game first rose to popularity in 1999 on the Nintendo 64 console. Back then, there were only 12 playable characters, but that was all it took to spark the legacy that the game has become today. Since then, sequels to the game have been released on Nintendo’s GameCube, Wii,  and 3DS/Wii U. The latest installment will be debuting on the Nintendo Switch. Fans still have a bit of a wait for their chance to smash their bros once more seeing as the official release date for the game has been set for December 7th. In the meantime, start exercising those fingers and check out a character recap as part of the official announcement down below!


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