Amy Adams Has Finally Joined Instagram And She Is Melting Our Hearts!

The world has endured raging brushfires, rising floodwaters and a viral pandemic…and that’s just in these three short months of 2020. From every devastation, however, a hero emerges…and today that hero is Amy Adams.

Amy Adams has finally joined Instagram and not just to post selfies or pictures of her dog…although a cute dog pic can definitely brighten anyone’s day! Instead, Amy has joined Instagram to partner with her friend, Jennifer Garner, on Save With Stories, a place to watch celebrities read children’s stories. The goal from these posts is to attract donations to raise funds for Save The Children and Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry. Amy outlines how the donations will  “make sure that families know how to find meals when schools are closed, support mobile meal trucks, food banks and other community feeding programs, provide educational toys, books and worksheets, and support out-of-school-time programs to help kids make up for lost time in the classroom.” These efforts are especially needed right now as school closures can affect nearly thirty-million children.

In the nearly 8-minute video, Amy reads The Dinosaur Princess, a story written by her daughter Aviana Olea Le Gallo. Amy also flashes pages from the story which are artfully illustrated by her husband, David Le Gallo. I hope melting of the heart is not a symptom of the coronavirus because mine is officially a puddle!

I am all for being social media positive while being socially distant! Check out Amy’s first Instagram post below!



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I’ve decided to finally join to shine a spotlight on kids across the country who need our help and support during this difficult time. My friend @jennifer.garner and I are launching @SAVEWITHSTORIES – a spot to watch your favorite celebrities read your favorite children’s books. We are galvanizing as a community to support a new fund for a combined effort between SAVE THE CHILDREN and Share Our Strength’s NO KID HUNGRY (and a big thank you to our founding publisher, Scholastic♥️). ⁣ ⁣ THIRTY MILLION CHILDREN in the United States rely on school for food. School closures will hit vulnerable communities hard and @savethechildren and @nokidhungry are on the ground and ready to serve. They just need our help! ⁣ ⁣ These funds will help us make sure that families know how to find meals when schools are closed, support mobile meal trucks, food banks and other community feeding programs, provide educational toys, books and worksheets, and support out-of-school-time programs to help kids make up for lost time in the classroom. ⁣ ⁣ If you can manage a one time gift of $10, please text SAVE to 20222. If another amount would work better for you, please visit our website—link in bio. There is no maximum and there is no minimum—together we will rise and together we can help. #SAVEWITHSTORIES

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