This bear - at Olympic Game Farm in Washington state - not only waves, he catches a sandwich. I'm sure the latter of these two events is against the rules, but it's pretty cool.
In this video, she reunites Arthur with the foals he grew up playing with nearly ten years earlier. Will they recognize each other? I think you know the answer. The celebration among Arthur, Harry and William is clear, and touching.
I generally consider my life pretty fun. But there are few things I enjoy as much as going on The Wendy Williams Show! It's an absolute thrill, I love Wendy, I love her team, and I love the live audience. Here's my recent appearance, and I have to say, once again, I had the time of my life!
He's calling himself “Wanksy”and after some of his cyclist friends were injured in pothole related accidents, he decided to take action in a slightly perverse, somewhat awesome, but oddly definitely effective way. It involves some clever, naughty chalk work.
I have seen enough hysterically horrific videos of this ride to never ever want to go on this thing. Here, friends Carmarie and Kanya are certain they are about to die as they ride the infamous “Slingshot” ride - the results are hilarious.
YITT has made an unholy chimera of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “I Really Like You” and Nine Inch Nails’ “Head Like a Hole.” It's remarkably seamless and amazingly catchy.
If we all could feel this kind of excitement about something every day, we'd all be better off. Rupert, a rescued Fennec Fox, became friends while Rupert was being hand raised. Here they are, reunited after spending some time apart.
I don't need a major reason. The reason is bacon. In any case, Food And Wine just posted a ridiculously easy instructional video for the "Bacon Weave." It is apparently a thing, and I had no idea. It's the key to getting a bit of bacon in every bite of your BLT (or, really anything, because, why wouldn't you?)
Nulla semper metus quis erat gravida cursus. Suspendisse sollicitudin mauris ac arcu rutrum, nec tincidunt libero scelerisque. Vestibulum in venenatis arcu. In nisl eros,...
Nam euismod felis vel mauris auctor, vitae porta libero porta. Integer dignissim lectus quis tellus ornare interdum. Aliquam cursus tortor et augue commodo, sit...
Etiam bibendum dolor malesuada erat tincidunt, et egestas magna molestie. Morbi varius cursus sapien, quis interdum nulla tincidunt et. Vestibulum ac semper enim, sit...
Allin adipiscing elit. Nunc nisl nibh, dapibus eu tempor ut, efficitur id nisi. Nam ornare magna sed mi mattis, sit amet molestie neque ultrices. Maecenas...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id congue dolor, nec consectetur neque. Cras ut iaculis odio, vitae imperdiet risus. Pellentesque dui...
Aliquam venenatis aliquet tortor, non blandit sapien aliquam eget. Sed in nulla et arcu commodo vehicula vitae et ante. Suspendisse ut fringilla dolor. Nam...
Vivamus ac dapibus eros, id congue sem. Nunc mollis dignissim est, ullamcorper tempus sem fringilla nec. Vivamus ac molestie risus. Fusce eu tortor at...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut id ligula congue, placerat turpis eu, maximus nisi. Sed id nisl ut augue sollicitudin porttitor....
Duis nec turpis ac purus interdum faucibus id in magna. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis ante. Fusce quam velit, euismod sed aliquet vel, condimentum dapibus...
Morbi congue feugiat mi quis fermentum. Duis lacinia sem et augue interdum, quis porta enim volutpat. Maecenas nulla arcu, gravida ac justo quis, vestibulum...
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pulvinar, felis sit amet consequat malesuada, enim nunc ultrices dui, in fermentum nunc risus nec tortor. Sed et ligula at...