It's one thing to be gay... it's another thing to be a gay mormon, says Jimmy. In what is quickly becoming a viral post, the young man explains what it is like, and records the reactions from his friends and family.
It's not surprising that this video took just two days to go viral. A boy with cerebral palsy couldn't walk when his dad left on deployment. When the father eventually returned, his son had a big surprise in store for him... he walked to him.
Krentcil, a New Jersey mom facing child endangerment charges, denies putting her five year old in a tanning bed at a local tanning salon. It's impossible to watch this video and not be biased by her face, which has been tanned into oblivion.
After finding out that the city of Newark, New Jersey will have to foot a bill of $187,000 in police overtime for Whitney Houston's funeral, some residents are angry, arguing that Houston's family should chip in or pay it entirely.
Even though there is no dramatic finale to this group of deer discovering a cat (and the cat's discovery of THEM), it's alwasy fun to see the intrigue and trepidation of both. The folks who uploaded added some soft Bjork music to enhance the mood.
This is one fun, talented family of five. Watch as they perform "It's Not Over" from Dreamgirls in their car. Each member has their own part, and each one can sang. (intentional use of sang.) This is my kind of road trip!
Okay, perhaps I’m bored with entertainment news today – but this baby’s reaction to his mother blowing her nose is downright hysterical. He alternates...